Helen Mort
A collaboration between Katrina Naomi and Helen Mort
Same but different
Katrina and Helen collaborated for 18 months over lockdown, sending each other poems by poets they really admired and images they found interesting.
Both Helen and Katrina responded to the same images and poems with a poem of their own.
Both Helen and Katrina responded to the same images and poems with a poem of their own.
They wrote to reach out to each other, to expand their horizons and to keep writing. They didn’t expect the collaboration to turn into a book but Same But Different was published by Hazel Press in September 2021 (link to SBD book).
They are running an online master class on collaboration for Arvon .

Same But Different
Same But Different (Hazel Press, 2021), a poetic collaboration between Katrina Naomi and Helen Mort, focusing on dialogue, friendship and sisterhood, was launched by the London Review Bookshop on 30 September 2021.
‘Seriously good poetry.’
Carla Scarano D’Antonio